Vintage Gladiolus Vase Arrangement!
Featured Flower Arrangements
Today on At Home with Flowers- we’re going Behind the Bloom- to feature a Bouquet- that is seen on “J Schwanke’s Life in Bloom”- Episode 407 – Glad Tidings (Here’s a link to that episode: I create this arrangement in an Aqua Vintage Glad Vase- (I have a pair of these vases- and I love them) They are wonderful- and were created in Mid-Century Style- just for Gladiolus- and thus- they provide the ability to make anyone a Glad Arranger… (get it???) I am using all the different colored Gladiolus Varieties- I received from Glad-A-Way Gardens – my wonderful friends that supplied all the Glads we featured in our Show all about Glads! I share one of my favorite Glad Tricks- Tipping the Glads- that get all the flowers to open! It’s a great vase- and a wonderful way to bring the color of Gladiolus- into our homes! Enjoy!
Up Next in Featured Flower Arrangements
Ranunculus Vase!
Today on At Home with Flowers- I’m creating an arrangement of different types of Ranunculus for “J Schwanke’s Life in Bloom” – Fiore Italia You can watch it here… The Cloni Ranunculus are the Featured Flower- in this Italian based episode. While Cloni Ranunculus originated in Italy- the are grown...
Stock Flower Vase!
Today on At Home with Flowers- I’m creating a vase of Stock- from my Friends the Ortiz Family at Joseph & Sons…and I share some of my favorite stories about Joe Sr. This vase of Stock Flowers is for our “Life in Bloom” Episode- Spice Flower- that is all about Stock and features my visit with Joe ...
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Today on At Home with Flowers, I’m creating a Nature Inspired Arrangement with Driftwood! It’s a wonderful opportunity to include a piece of natural material into an arrangement to decorate our home. Working with Natural Materials is equally relaxing and makes it even more special when arranging...