Flower Crafts, Projects and Flowers for Kids!

J loves to create Flower Crafts and Projects- and especially for Kids- these playlist contain fun flower projects, crafts and flower arranging for kids!

  • Behind the Bloom with Sandy Villegas- and Luna’s Paper Designs

    Today on Behind the Bloom- my amazing and Talented Friend- Sandra Villegas is joining me in the kitchen to talk more about her Paper Flowers- and her Artistry- and business Luna’s Paper Designs- you can learn more about her at
    www.lunaspaperdesigns.com – or email [email protected] – San...

  • Behind the Bloom- Flower Kitty- with June and Bretagne Whitford!

    Today on Behind the Bloom- my Flower Friends June and Bretagne Whitford drop by to make a Flower Kitty – in Pink and Lavender… you can see the project and my visit with them- on Life in Bloom Episode 606- Flowers and Kids – I’m sharing some of the tips and tricks for making this flower Kitty and ...

  • Behind the Bloom with Hendrik Whitford and "Edible Bugs"!

    Today on Behind the Bloom- my fun friend Hendrik is in the kitchen with me- and we’re making “edible bugs”- that are crafted from all sorts of fun things we eat all the time… including edible flowers. Hendrik and I created these “edible bugs” for Life in Bloom Episode 606- Flowers and Kids – and ...

  • Crafting with Flowers

    109 items

    J loves to share fun ideas that can incorporate paint, ribbon or other crafting materials- using Flowers as an inspiration-this playlist is dedicated to Crafting Projects Inspired by Flowers or including Flowers!

  • Using Paint and Flowers

    57 items

    J has long been a fan of Design Master Paints- and Paints that suitable for Flower Projects- whether it's gently shifting the color of flowers or using paint to create a finishes on foliage or containers- this playlist is dedicated to everything paint... Included are Just for Flowers | TintIT | M...

  • Flowers for Kids

    69 items

    J always created Fun Flower Projects- and this playlist is focused on Flower Projects and Flower Crafts that are Fun, Entertaining and sometimes Educational for Kids of All Ages!

  • Arranging Garden Flowers

    29 items

    J loves to arrange flowers from the Garden- and also Season Flowers! This Playlist includes Flower Projects and Crafts- that J has created with Flowers from the Garden- or Seasonal Flowers that he purchases from Local Flower Farms, Farmers Markets- or even his Favorite Flower Sellers!

  • Permanent Silk Flowers!

    7 items

    J loves to arrange with Permanent Flowers- and enjoys sharing tips, tricks and helpful hints for making your Faux Flowers Look More Realistic! There are special techniques that are unique to Permanent Botanicals... and J wants to share them with you!

  • Recycling and Repurposing

    18 items

    This Playlist includes educational videos from J - about repurposing and recycling when it comes to Flower Arranging! J likes keeping "GREEN" when we have the opportunity with our flower arranging and design!