J served as Floral Creative Director for this Flower Industry Revolutionary Product... literally thousands of florists around the country have purchased this wonderful two book set from John Henry. J loves the innovative and creative products featured throughout the book and shows how these creative mechanics can add BLING to your prom and homecoming flowers! The John Henry Prom and Homecoming Flowers 2 Book Set speaks to the current Youth Market in the US! With loads of creative and fun ideas that range from the Traditional to Contemporary... and flowers to wear that are Unique and Unusual. The Second Book is not only the design handbook but also contains over 70 Recipes for projects with hands on photos to help you create all the things in the book! A must for any creative flower designer.
Up Next in Season 1 JTV
How to Use COLD Glue for Fresh Flower...
Anyone can make a beautiful flowers to wear with J's Gluing Technique. J demonstrates the COLD Glue method using Floral Adhesive (Cold Glue) from start to finish. Including bases for gluing fresh flowers to wear and simple products and techniques to keep your flowers to wear lasting their longe...