Wisteria Wedding Bouquet
Purple | Lavender Arrangements
5m 38s
This week- it’s all about those Glorious Grey Lavender colors… and Design Master is on deck to help J adjust the colors perfectly!
J creates a wedding bouquet in the Gala Bouquet Holder… and uses the NEW Wisteria überMatte to give the holder a perfect matte color finish.
Then he adjusts the color of a pink hydrangea with Delphinium Just for Flowers… and combines grey lavender flowers in a beautiful bridal bouquet!
Highlighted with Spray Stock and Imperial Carnations from Esprit Miami- accented with delphinium and gerbera daisies… this stunning bouquet is ready for the aisle!
Up Next in Purple | Lavender Arrangements
Creating a Heart of Daisies… with J!
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