The Faux Hand-Tied Bouquet!
Wedding Flowers for Decor
J has "wow-ed" audiences around the globe with his amazing rendition of a hand tied bouquet... that ISN'T REALLY a hand tied bouquet at all! Learn the secret tricks behind this creative design idea that will allow you to make a hand tied bouquet just like the Dutch Masters with J's Secret Artesia® water source. Fun for you and even more FUN for everyone else!
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One of the Hottest NEW Cut Flowers is Clematis… and Clematis from Roseville Farms is the Finest, and Longest Lasting Cut Clematis. J shares Care & Handling Tips as well as Design Secrets and Tricks for using this Gorgeous Cut Flower!
The Secret to Great Hydrangea Arrange...
J Shares the SECRETS to Arranging with Hydrangea, Care and Handling Tips... and the Resource for the Best Quality and Most Durable Hydrangea from Esprit Miami. J Shares Hydrations Solutions, Wedding Bouquets, and Special Event Centerpiece Ideals and Techniques!
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J Shares the Newest, Hottest LED Lighting Products from Acolyte Technologies: UNDERWATER lighting with Submersible Acolytes. Learn all about the Amazing Special Effects you can create with Acolyte Wireless Lights including FLAMLESS Votive Light alternatives!