The Pocket Square!
Wedding Flowers to Wear
J creates a FUN alternative to the Traditional Boutonniere for GUYS. The Pocket Square is a fun update that just slips into the Pocket of a shirt or Blazer. J shows the step by step process so you can create this FUN project right along with him or create your very own unique project. J also shows fun ways to create alternative backgrounds and bases for making your own pocket square keepsake project!
Up Next in Wedding Flowers to Wear
How to Glue Delicate Flower Wrists Co...
J turns Flower Jeweler as he teaches the special tips and techniques to creating FUN Flower Jewelry to wear for your next dance or special event! Learn how to create a wrist corsage using a bracelet as the base. This project creates Flowers to wear using Fresh Flowers and Cold Glue!
Episode 212- Flowers to Wear and Share
Host J Schwanke shows you that you don’t need to wait for that fancy event—there are many simple ways to make, wear, and share flowers. Wearing a flower improves your mood—and it’s easy to do with items you already have on hand in your home and garden.
Behind the Bloom: Flowers to Wear wit...
Let’s go behind the bloom- with my friend Angela Cunningham- with ideas for Flowers to Wear! My friend Angela is a Newscaster for the Local ABC affiliate in Grand Rapids- and reports Early every morning…
Angela joined me in the studio to create unique flowers to wear… different from the typical...