Arranging Flowers on Location at Green Point Nurseries!
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5m 57s
Today- I’m on location in Hilo Hawaii- at Green Point Nurseries – where my Flower Friend Eric Tanouye has made me feel like a “kid in a candy store”… allowing me to choose any flowers or foliage I like for my arrangement. There is so much to choose from… and I’ve selected Princess Aiko- a Bright Pink Tulip Anthurium that has a wonderful Fragrance- WOW- I’m pairing that with Ilene McDonald Pink Ginger- Sundance Anthurium and Burgundy Ti Leaves. Eric and our Friends at Green Point Nurseries- truly embody the spirit of Aloha – and made us feel so welcome- I hope you enjoy this simple and easy arrangement- that includes a Ti Leaf Rosette- along with Gorgeous Green Point Nurseries Hawaiian Flowers!
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